Welcome to Ed Chapman's Western Vacation Page - raft1

Location: https://edchapman.tripod.com/w10.html image Sep 25, 2000
We took a 6 day 5 night 188 mile river raft trip through the Grand Canyon from a company called Arizona River Runners Click Here to go to their web site. There were 2 rafts, 5 crew, and 28 passengers. We stayed in the Marble Canyon Lodge in Arizona the night before. We started off at Lee's Ferry not far from the Glen Canyon Dam where the water is about 48 degrees and warms about 1 degree every 20 miles. We went through many rapids, took hikes, ate great food, and camped on the beach. The stars and moon really came out at night. We saw desert big horn sheep, scorpions, rattle snakes, ring tail cats, great blue herons, and a turkey among other wildlife
Sunrise in Marble Canyon
ready to leave from Lee's Ferry
from Judy
Big Horn Sheep from Judy
The first night's camp
Many people set up tents (we did not)
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