Welcome to Ed Chapman's Western Vacation Page

Location: https://edchapman.tripod.com/west.html image Sep 25, 2000
image image We took a 3 week 6 state trip out West in Aug. 2000. Since we shot many photos I'll place them on different web pages so each page does not take as long to load or in case you are interested in only parts of the trip.
Click the next arrow to start at the beginning of the trip and use the back and next arrows on each page to navigate or select the part of trip you are interested in starting in (in the pink and yellow table) and use the back and next arrows from there

Disney Los Angeles Universal Ghost Town Hoover Dam Death Valley
Zion Bryce North Rim Raft 1 Raft 2 Raft 3
Raft 4 Raft 5 Colorado Mesa Verde Glen Canyon Old Vegas
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